Australia's Leading Range of Thermally Broken Aluminium Windows and Doors

Improve ventilation without even opening a window

Meeting Building Code of Australia (BCA) requirements can be quite a challenge sometimes – especially when following one rule makes it tricky to comply with another. For example, on the one hand, the rooms we use must have natural ventilation from ‘permanent openings, windows, doors or other devices’. On the other, child safety measures mean there are strict rules around window open-sizes in buildings with more than one storey. Keeping our kids safe from falls is a no-brainer, but let’s take a closer look at the reasons for good ventilation.

Why ventilation is so important.

In a nutshell, plenty of ventilation leads to better indoor air quality (IAQ). It improves alertness and health, and can even increase the productivity of a building’s occupants. When windows and doors can’t be opened widely enough to achieve good ventilation, one solution is trickle ventilation.

What is trickle ventilation?

A trickle vent is a very small opening in a window or door system that allows fresh air into a building, even when windows or doors are closed. Trickle ventilation is low-cost, requires little maintenance, and allows compliance with the BCA’s ventilation regulations. It also:

  • lets in less noise than an open window
  • minimises common pollutants
  • reduces condensation
  • helps improve IAQ (better IAQ equals happier occupant)
  • can be used in any building application, from residential and commercial, to retail, educational, health and everything in between, and
  • helps minimise the risk of a child’s fall from a high window.

A trickle-ventilation system solution from AWS.

At AWS, we love our windows and doors but we also know the importance of BCA compliance for architects, builders and home-owners. So we came up with a solution: AWS Trickle Vent.

AWS Trickle Vent is an integrated system that provides improved ventilation in the building envelope without requiring any windows or doors to be opened. Once installed, it quietly goes about its job, without any need for power (electrical or otherwise) or human involvement. In fact, it provides fresh air whether a room is occupied or not, making it ideal for education projects, apartment blocks, multi-storey houses, or anywhere that balances the need for good ventilation with the safety of the building’s occupants.

Got questions about trickle ventilation? Leave a comment or get in touch with us. We’re always happy to help. And for more information on the AWS Trickle Vent, simply click here.


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