Australia's Leading Range of Thermally Broken Aluminium Windows and Doors

5 Benefits of ThermalHEART Systems | ThermalHEART | AWS

ThermalHEART™ is the technology that lies at the core of the thermally broken range of aluminium windows and door systems by AWS.

This range of aluminium window and door systems are thermally broken to deliver improved energy efficiency for all projects. With the improved thermal performance of the ThermalHEART™ range, architects and designers are able to create beautiful, functional spaces which achieve compliance, deliver energy efficiency and ensure comfort for all occupants.

  1. The thermal break minimises the transfer of heat and cold through the aluminium frame, giving the window excellent insulation properties.

  2. Versatile and comprehensive product offering for both residential and commercial applications. 

  3. Flexibility with regard to Building Code compliance with large spans of glazing.

  4. Allows for one finish on the outside and one on the inside.

  5. When combined with double glazing, the systems meet contemporary aspirations for energy conservation and comfortable interior temperatures.

Don’t let standards strangle your creativity.

For more information click here to visit the ThermalHEART™ website

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