Contemporary Aluminium Windows and Doors for your lifestyle

Retractable Flyscreen Benefits | Vantage | AWS Australia

A retractable flyscreen? Think about this, a finger light flyscreen you can open when you need, which retracts discreetly back into the door frame to give you back those beautiful, uninterrupted views. 

The Centor™ SIE Eco-Screen is a world-first retractable insect screen for openings as wide as 7.6m and can be installed with all Vantage door systems as part of a seamless screening solution. Integrated with not just sliding doors, the Centor™ retractable also works with bi-fold doors as well. 

This screen provides eco-friendly retractable insect screening and solar control with fingertip operation allowing you to have complete control of your living environment. A revolutionary solution for those who refuse to compromise on style.

On openings up to 3.9m wide, either single or multi-function options are available. Where a single function is required choose from insect screen or sun filter fabric. For a multi-function option, select both fabrics to create a two-in-one screening solution. The multi-function system uses a sun filter and insect fabrics to provide solar control in the mornings and prevent insects entering the home in the evenings.

For openings wider than 3.9m and up to 7.6m wide, choose one fabric only, either mesh or blind, for a double system.

The SIE Eco-Screen has undergone testing including impact testing with a 17kg punching bag 100 times and considerable pushing, poking and prodding to simulate real life usage. Ouch! 

Centor™ are the only flyscreens that have been tested with our window and door systems, so go on, add them to your design and come December when you’re opening up your new sliding door onto your deck and your friends ask you where’s your flyscreen? TA-DA!


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