Contemporary Aluminium Windows and Doors for your lifestyle

Home temperature Regulation | Vantage | AWS Australia

With energy prices on the rise, staying warm in winter is getting to be an expensive business. More and more people are looking for ways to reduce costs without sacrificing home comfort. And it’s not always an easy task! If you haven’t managed to solve the problem yet, it’s time to look ahead and get ready for when the cold weather rolls around again next year.

There are two parts to this solution. The first is investing in thermally broken aluminium window and door frames. Why thermally broken? Because aluminium on its own is highly conductive and can be a poor insulator. When a frame is thermally broken with polyamide insulating strips, however, the problem is overcome. For example, ThermalHEART™ window and door systems from AWS are up to 51% more thermally efficient than standard non-thermally broken aluminium framing. Australian designed and manufactured, they are an ideal choice when it comes to regulating the temperature of your home all year round. Great for winter. And great for summer, too.

The next step is to look at double-glazing. Double-glazed windows and doors limit the transfer of both hot and cold air, providing year-round comfort while reducing reliance on heating and cooling appliances. Together with thermally broken frames, they’re exceptionally effective at keeping the cold air out and the warm air in. They can also reduce outside noise and make your home more secure. Bonus!

And there you have it. To stay toasty warm without breaking the bank, you don’t need to purchase your own electricity plant or rug up like an Antarctic explorer. You just need a plan!

For more information on double glazing and the ThermalHEART™ range of window and door frames, check out this link or contact your local AWS fabricator today.



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