Australia's Leading Range of Thermally Broken Aluminium Windows and Doors

Understanding Acoustics | ThermalHEART | AWS Australia

AWS is committed to offering window and door solutions that not only provide light and ventilation but help to create unique living spaces protected from harsh environmental elements.

Unwanted or harmful noise has increasingly become part of our urban environment causing annoyance and disturbance to our lifestyle.

Our expectation for comfort and efficiency in our built environment is changing. Urban in-fill development, busier transportation routes and changes in the ways we use our homes are increasing our focus on achieving “acoustic comfort”.

To help you understand:

Sound levels are expressed in decibels (dB). The higher the dB rating = the stronger the sound source. For example a bird whistling = 50dB and a falling leaf = 10dB.

Sound Pressure Level (SPL) is a measure of the power of the sound source. We refer to this as “Loudness”. Loudness is a combination of the SPL & the duration of the sound. 

Sound frequencies are expressed in hertz (Hz). They are referred to as ‘high’ or ‘low’ pitched sound. Categories include low-tones, mid-tones and high-tones. For example, urban road traffic are mostly low-tones whereas a whistling kettle is high-tones. 

The Loudness (dB) + Pitch (Hz) of a sound determine their impact on our Acoustic Comfort. 

Fore more information on window selection considerations for acoustics: 

Click here to read the Acoustics white paper

Watch the AWS Acoustics Product Testing Video here


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