Australia's Leading Range of Thermally Broken Aluminium Windows and Doors

The Flannery Centre | ThermalHEART | AWS Australia

AWS recently interviewed Principal Paul Godsell of Crawford Architects regarding a sustainable project he designed where he utilised the ThermalHEART™ range of aluminium windows and doors.

The project, labelled “The Flannery Centre” was named after renowned environmental advocate and 2007 Australian of the Year Tim Flannery, and was built under the Green Star program run by the Green Building Council of Australia, located in Bathurst, NSW.

It was essential that every part of The Flannery Centre’s envelope fabric was to have outstanding thermal performance – the glazing solution was no exception. The ThermalHEART™ range of aluminium windows and doors allowed the building to incorporate large amounts of aluminium windows and doors throughout, whilst ensuring a positive thermal performance was maintained.

The completed project is a building with a reduced ecological footprint and a dramatically, low energy demand. The building features numerous aluminium windows and doors which allow for a bright, creative work space however the use of the ThermalHEART™ systems allow for the project to maintain its low energy demand.

The window and doors in this project were fabricated by Bathurst Glass Service.

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