Australia's Leading Range of Thermally Broken Aluminium Windows and Doors

Rumney Rest

Situated 320 meters above sea level this 5 hectare lot was to be shared in harmony with the wedge tailed eagle’s nest therefore minimal disturbance to the lot was a priority.

The sitting utilises the natural land knoll in tandem with the curvaceous roof form to deflect the prevailing south westerly winds and provide a sheltered micro climate for the immediate external zoned living areas.

Fundamentally designed on passive solar principles, the pavilion layout invigorates living whilst exploiting the vistas resulting in a remarkable, majestic retirement rest for clients.

Award winning building Designer Mike Cleaver of Clever design was responsible for this stunning residential project. Taking great pains to ensure all aspects of the clients brief were met Mike worked to create external living spaces that were well connected to the interior by large spans of glazing without compromising on the energy efficiency credentials of the dwelling.

The project utalises ThermalHEART™ window and door systems through to maximize energy efficiency and comfort. Large sliding door panels operate effortlessly on heavy duty rollers and awning windows are incorporated throughout the project to provide opportunities for cross flow ventilation and passive cooling in summer months.

Mike alongside builder Cave Constrictions, worked closely with window and door supplier Glass Supplies to ensure the window specification for the project achieved all the clients needs.

Glass Supplies coordinated the complex installation of large, heavy door and window panels on the steep site achieving an impressive glazing solution for a very unique project.

The project has won numerous awards and was recognised on Saturday evening by the Building Designers Association of Victoria (BDAV) as winner of the following awards categories

  • Residential Design - New House $500K-$1M construction cost
  • Most Innovative Bathroom Design
  • Excellence in Use of Steel

Earlier this year the project was also awarded HIA-CSR Home of the Year, HIA-CSR Australian Custom Built Home of the Year and HIA Tasmanian House of the Year.


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